Health APIs

Health service URI has additional query parameters to enable users to query for specific type of entity and asset. During API validation, the query parameters are validated and an appropriate response is returned. Check the REST API guide for the different status and responses.

Category API Description
Health – Configuration Information



Displays a list of contributor resources

Health – Operational Information




resource=<resource path>

Gets Health
Get Health Detail /App/System/Certificate Gets HQI values at certificate and any meta data providing details for health deterioration
Health – Operational Information




resource=<resource path>


detail=<true | false>
Displays a list of resources with a health score contributing to overall health.

The following table describes commands to clear the health of a subtree for the specified resource:

Category CLI Description
Health – Configuration Information

Command Syntax:

efa health debug clear --resource /App/Asset

Optional –resource

If a resource is not specified, the command clears the health of the tree from the Root node, for example, “/”.

If a resource is specified, the command clears the health of the subtree for a specified resource
